Plastic-Free Supply Chains

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Ericsson is Investing in Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Ericsson has embarked on a new initiative to enhance sustainability within its supply chain by introducing plastic-free packaging. This initiative is part of the company’s broader commitment to environmental responsibility and aligns with its goal to achieve Net Zero emissions across its value chain by 2040. The innovative packaging solution, developed by Ericsson’s design team in Stockholm, involves transitioning from oil-based plastics to wood fiber materials for packaging inserts. These new inserts are fully recyclable and have significantly reduced the total plastic content of the packaging from 20 percent to less than one percent. Additionally, an anti-abrasion coating applied to the wood fiber material allows for the elimination of the plastic bag normally used to protect the product surface during shipping.

In collaboration with Deutsche Telekom and Swisscom, Ericsson has conducted initial tests of the packaging solution, with aspirations to expand its use to more products and roll out to additional customers. The design challenge was to create plastic-free packaging that could still provide the necessary protection for heavy-duty electronic products, typically weighing between 24-36kg. By working with suppliers Nefab and DS Smith, Ericsson has developed two designs that incorporate the new materials while retaining the high structural integrity required for safe product transportation.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Packaging Materials - Innovative, fully recyclable wood fiber materials are replacing oil-based plastics in packaging, aiming to drastically reduce environmental impact.
2. Plastic-free Supply Chain Initiatives - Companies are overhauling their supply chains to eliminate plastic use, focusing on sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives.
3. Eco-conscious Product Protection - Enhanced anti-abrasion coatings enable plastic-free packaging to protect products reliably during transportation without the need for plastic bags.
Industry Implications
1. Telecommunications - Firms in the telecommunications industry are exploring sustainable practices by adopting plastic-free packaging for electronic products.
2. Packaging Suppliers - Suppliers like Nefab and DS Smith are driving the move towards eco-friendly packaging with their innovations in recyclable materials.
3. Logistics and Transportation - The logistics sector is adapting to handle new packaging solutions that maintain product safety while reducing plastic waste.

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