Electric Bike-Like Watercraft

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The ENVO Hydra Waterbike Offers eBike Performance on the Water

The ENVO Hydra Waterbike is a motor-assisted watercraft for sports enthusiasts to enjoy as part of their summertime endeavors when looking to spend more time on the water. The watercraft consists of a floating construction that's achieved with tubular aluminum for the frame and a series of dual inflatable pontoons. These components keep the overall weight down to 110-pounds, while a 1,500W motor boosts the pedaling power of the rider to help them achieve a top assisted speed of 12mph.

The ENVO Hydra Waterbike will support up to 265-pounds of total weight and will provide roughly one-hour of range per charge of the battery pack. Presently in prototype, the watercraft is expected to be available in the near future but not information has been announced of yet.
Trend Themes
1. Water Sports Hybrid - An opportunity to create more efficient transportation options for water sports enthusiasts, combining the technology of e-bikes and watercrafts.
2. Electric Watercrafts - An opportunity to create more sustainable and eco-friendly options for water sports enthusiasts to enjoy on the water.
3. Watercraft Range Extension - An opportunity to extend the range of the battery and offer more riding time for water sport enthusiasts.
Industry Implications
1. Water Sports - The water sports industry offers a market for the development and distribution of electric watercrafts and water sports hybrids.
2. Electric Vehicle - The electric vehicle industry offers technology and charging infrastructure that could help advance electric watercrafts technology.
3. Recreation - The recreation industry could offer an efficient and sustainable transportation alternative for on-the-water recreational activities such as fishing and paddleboarding.

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