Environmental Internship Programs

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Patagonia Offers a Work Sabbatical During its Internship

In an effort to retain employees, many brands offer perks, and Patagonia is setting itself apart with its Environmental Internship Program, which offers a two-month work sabbatical.

Employees from all parts of the company are allowed up to two months away from their regular roles to work for the environmental group of their choice while continuing to earn their paycheck and benefits. According to the brand, "this year, 34 individuals, 12 stores and one department took advantage of this program—putting in almost 10,000 volunteer hours for 43 organizations."

Employees can de-stress, re-energize, explore new interests, and enjoy external interests through a sabbatical. Upon returning to work, they have increased knowledge, skills, energy, and a more stable sense of well-being.
Trend Themes
1. Work Sabbaticals - Companies can offer work sabbaticals as a way to retain employees and provide opportunities for personal growth and skill development.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - CSR programs, such as environmental initiatives, can attract and retain employees who value making a positive impact in the world and motivate them to work harder and stay with the company longer.
3. Employee Volunteerism - Encouraging and supporting employee volunteerism can not only provide valuable skills and experiences, but also build a sense of community and purpose within the company.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Apparel - Outdoor apparel companies can offer environmental internship programs as a way to attract and retain employees who share their brand values and desire to protect the environment.
2. Technology - Tech companies can incorporate work sabbaticals and volunteerism into their CSR programs to foster employee engagement and development while giving back to the community.
3. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations can partner with companies to offer environmental internships and volunteer opportunities as a way to gain valuable support while providing employees with meaningful experiences and personal growth.

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