Low-Sugar Frozen Yogurt Bars

Enlightened Greek Yogurt Bars Have Four Servings Per Box

The Enlightened Greek yogurt bars have been added to the Beyond Better Foods-owned brand's product portfolio as a series of permissible treats for consumers looking to curb their intake of too much sugar. The bars come in two flavors including Mint & Cookies and Caramel Brownie, which have 80-calories each and three-grams of sugar per serving. Sweetened with monk fruit, the frozen bars feature five-grams of protein per serving along with prebiotics and probiotics to make them a great addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Founder and CEO Michael Shoretz spoke on the new Enlightened Greek yogurt bars saying, "Our customers have been asking us for years to deliver a Greek yogurt version of our ice cream bars. We worked hard to create a product that not only tastes great but also offers a healthier alternative to traditional ice cream bars."
Trend Themes
1. Low-sugar Treats - Offering low-sugar alternative products for consumers is a current trend with potential for growth and disruption.
2. Probiotic and Prebiotic Infused Foods - Probiotic and prebiotic infused foods are a growing trend that can offer health benefits and innovation opportunities.
3. Monk Fruit Sweeteners - The use of monk fruit sweeteners is a trend to watch and offers opportunities for companies looking to create healthier, low-calorie products.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - The low-sugar and probiotic trend presents disruptive opportunities and potential for new products in the food and beverage industry.
2. Health and Wellness Industry - The emphasis on healthier, low-sugar, and probiotic foods creates potential in the health and wellness industry for new products and services.
3. Frozen Treat Industry - The low-sugar and probiotic trend presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the frozen treat industry.

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