Eclectically Colored Soap Branding

Enjabonarte is Set with Bright Hues to Stand Out

Enjabonarte is an artisanal soap packaging line that suffered from boring branding. To fix this, Raul Gomez Estudio of Spain came up with a range of colorful options to give the brand more of a boost.

The resulting look is filled with bright hues that will definitely stand out on storefronts. Raul Gomez Estudio stuck with one color on the top area of the package to differentiate each type of soap, and at the bottom the name of the brand is drawn on in a multitude of colors. The hues reference the other kinds of soap from the brand, which could encourage consumers to check out Enjabonarte's other products in the area too. What's better is that the soaps themselves are brightly colored too!
Trend Themes
1. Artisanal Soap Packaging - Opportunity to create unique and eye-catching packaging designs for artisanal soap brands.
2. Colorful Branding - Potential to use vibrant and eclectic color schemes to enhance brand visibility and attract consumer attention.
3. Multisensory Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity to incorporate sensory elements into the packaging design to enhance consumer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Artisanal Soap - Opportunity for artisanal soap companies to differentiate themselves through innovative and visually appealing packaging designs.
2. Graphic Design - Demand for graphic designers skilled in creating bold and unique packaging designs for consumer products.
3. Retail - Retailers could benefit from carrying visually striking soap products that capture consumer attention and drive sales.

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