Domed Emergency Hoods

This Mobile Fashion Store Functions as a Statement on Safety

Emergency hoods in Japan are often used for protection against earthquakes and this unusual dome concept raises awareness of the "destructive power of earthquakes."

The emergency hoods are often used in schools in Japan and are made up of a cushioned material with waterproof zippers and magnets. The user slips the hood over their head in order to be protected from fire and debris in the event of an earthquake. The dome will work to raise awareness on the powerful nature of earthquakes and the importance of taking protective measures against them. It will be made up of 1000 emergency hoods that have been printed with various graphics for a beautiful kaleidoscopic effect. Once the dome is no longer needed, the hoods will be taken apart and donated to other countries that are prone to earthquakes.

This dome functions as simultaneously as an art piece, a social statement and a tool for the safety of others.
Trend Themes
1. Emergency Hoods - Exploration of alternative uses of emergency hoods outside of Japan.
2. Disaster Awareness - Increase awareness of natural disasters and their impact on society through creative mediums.
3. Sustainable Disaster Relief - Identifying sustaninable ways to recycle disaster relief materials and equipment.
Industry Implications
1. Emergency Preparedness - Companies focused on emergency preparedness can explore developing and marketing similar products to emergency hoods for broader use.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers can integrate social messages into their work to create powerful statements.
3. Non-profit / Disaster Relief Organizations - Organizations concerned with disaster relief and sustainability can develop programs for recycling and reusing materials to reduce waste and aid communities affected by natural disasters.

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