Elderly folk around the world can now say goodbye to hard-to-do exercises and get fit with these el:Dudy exercise sticks! Designed by Chan Po Yee, these sticks are guaranteed fun and feel good to use.
With the ability to do wrist-twists or give massages, the el:Dudy is going to be one piece of exercise equipment you won't be able to live without. Fully equipped with computer or Bluetooth hook-ups, these sticks track your progress via motion sensors and accelerometers.
Boomer Hand-Held Workouts
Encourage the Elderly to Exercise with these el:Dudy Exercise Sticks
Trend Themes
1. Elderly-friendly Exercise Gear - Design workout gear specifically for elderly individuals to make exercise easier and more enjoyable.
2. Smart Exercise Tracking Devices - Incorporate motion sensors and accelerometers into exercise equipment to allow for remote tracking and monitoring of progress.
3. Multi-functional Workout Tools - Create exercise equipment that can be used for multiple activities such as wrist-twists and massages to encourage more usage and variety.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Equipment - Develop new and innovative exercise equipment that caters to the needs of elderly individuals.
2. Wearable Technology - Create smart wearable devices that can track exercise progress for elderly individuals and connect to computer or Bluetooth hook-ups.
3. Physical Therapy - Incorporate multi-functional workout tools into physical therapy and rehabilitation programs for elderly patients.