Animated Eggplant Emojis

The Suggestive Eggplant Emoji Has Been Reinterpreted by Anna Ginsburg

Anna Ginsburg is an animator and director and the artist's collaboration with Freddy Taylor has brought upon a series of animated eggplant emojis.

The eggplant emoji is innocent enough on its own but has been used to imply sexually suggestive acts by people on social media and messaging platforms. The popularity of the emoji inspired Anna Ginsburg to create her own versions and the resulting project features differently shaped animated icons that each resemble an eggplant. Called 'Spin the Aub,' the animations appear on a website and each comes with its own soundtrack. The nine different eggplant emojis are all interactive.

This small artistic endeavor based on a relatively silly idea has expanded to become a visual project that is culturally relevant and playful.
Trend Themes
1. Animated Eggplant Emojis - Opportunity for artists and designers to create unique and interactive animated emojis for messaging platforms.
2. Sexually Suggestive Emoji Reinterpretation - Opportunity to transform controversial emojis into culturally relevant and playful visual projects.
3. Interactive Emoji Experiences - Opportunity to develop interactive experiences with emojis that include soundtracks and animations.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists and designers can capitalize on the trend by offering unique and customized animated emojis.
2. Social Media - Platforms can incorporate the animated eggplant emojis to enhance user engagement and expression.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can develop interactive experiences, like games or interactive storytelling, incorporating the animated emojis.

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