Naturally Backlit Monitors

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Eazeye is the World’s First Naturally Backlit Monitor

Traditional LCD screens often suffer from drawbacks like artificial backlighting, which can contribute to problems such as eye strain and excessive energy consumption due to their constant, uniform illumination, and Eazeye tackles these major pain points. The world’s first naturally backlit monitor offers a different approach to artificial illumination and it does so with a reflector panel and circuit boards relocated to the monitor’s base.

While a conventional 24-inch LCD monitor uses up about 40 watts of power for backlighting, Eazeye whittles this number down to an impressive five watts. Currently crowdfunding on Indiegogo, this first-of-its-kind monitor has already exceeded its initial funding goal and is set to provide relief from eye strain in an eco-friendly way
Trend Themes
1. Naturally Backlit Monitors - Eazeye tackles major pain points of artificial backlighting on LCD screens such as eye strain and excessive energy consumption through a reflector panel and relocated circuit boards.
2. Reduced Energy Consumption - Eazeye's innovative approach to backlighting reduces power usage from 40 watts to just five watts, offering an eco-friendly solution.
3. Crowdfunding Success - Eazeye has surpassed its crowdfunding goal on Indiegogo, showing the demand for a monitor that provides relief from eye strain.
Industry Implications
1. Monitor Manufacturing - The monitor manufacturing industry can explore the integration of natural backlighting technology to alleviate consumer concerns related to eye strain and energy consumption.
2. Consumer Electronics - In the consumer electronics industry, incorporating naturally backlit monitors like Eazeye can contribute to the development of eco-friendly and user-friendly products.
3. Sustainability - Sustainability-focused industries can leverage the reduced energy consumption of naturally backlit monitors like Eazeye as an eco-friendly innovation opportunity.

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