Earth to Luna is a preschool animated series following main character Luna -- a six-year old with a passion for all things science-related. The educational show's episodes can be streamed for free on YouTube and explore a variety of science topics like gravity, astronomy and even questions why the sea is salty or why cats have whiskers.
The animated series consists of 12-minute episodes and aim to answer "why something is happening." Fusing real science with character Luna's vivid imagination, this fun series empowers girls thanks to its strong female lead and is now in its third season.
While Earth to Luna's first season focuses on Luna's neighborhood and family, the second takes its characters to a new setting, the summer vacation spot Plum Creek Ranch. The third season then follows Luna and her family as they take a journey around the world while exploring new cultures and finding fun new discoveries.
Empowering Educational Series
Earth to Luna is an Cartoon about Science with a Strong Female Lead
Trend Themes
1. Educational Cartoons - Cartoon series such as Earth to Luna can be created to teach children about science and other learning topics, presenting a disruptive innovation opportunity in preschool education.
2. Female-led Children's Media - Creating children's media that have female leads like Luna of Earth to Luna can be a disruptive innovation opportunity in gender representation and education.
3. Incorporating Real Science in Children's Media - Incorporating real science in children's media like Earth to Luna can provide a disruptive innovation in early childhood education as it fosters learning through entertainment.
Industry Implications
1. Media and Entertainment - The media and entertainment industry can explore the potential of educational cartoons and female-led children's media like Earth to Luna.
2. Education - The education industry can innovate preschool learning methods by using engaging media like Earth to Luna to promote learning for younger generations.
3. Science and Technology - The science and technology industry can explore possibilities of incorporating its field's learning into media such as children's cartoons.