Having a treadmill at home is exceptionally convenient, especially when it can effortlessly fold away to save space when not in use—and the Denise Austin WalkingPad boasts double folding treadmill technology.
KingSmith, the inventor of the original WalkingPad, holds multiple patents for its innovative double folding treadmill tech and its compact, easy-to-use design works with an app or remote control to control walking and running speeds. This cost-conscious home fitness solution is ideal for remote and hybrid employees who want to get moving without having to take more time out of their day or invest in a membership at a busy gym where they may end up waiting for machines to free up.
At CES 2024, Supply Chain Sources will be representing three popular wellness brands and a full line of WalkingPad products.
Double-Folding Treadmills
The Denise Austin WalkingPad Boasts Double Folding Treadmill Technology
Trend Themes
1. Double Folding Treadmills - Innovative double folding treadmill technology is revolutionizing home fitness solutions, offering convenience and space-saving features.
2. Cost-conscious Home Fitness Solutions - The Denise Austin WalkingPad provides an affordable alternative for remote and hybrid employees looking to stay active without investing in a gym membership.
3. Smart Fitness Technology - The WalkingPad's app and remote control allow users to easily control walking and running speeds, incorporating technology into their exercise routines.
Industry Implications
1. Home Fitness Equipment - The double folding treadmill technology opens up opportunities for manufacturers to create space-saving and convenient home fitness equipment.
2. Wellness Brands - Wellness brands can tap into the growing demand for cost-conscious fitness solutions by offering WalkingPad products as part of their product line.
3. Supply Chain - Supply chain sources can capitalize on representing popular wellness brands and their line of WalkingPad products at events like CES 2024.