Canine Soccer Players

Dogs of the World Cup by Life on White Puts Pups in Uniforms

There is a reason why Fido's campaign comparing dogs and their owners was (and continues to be) so successful; the Dogs of the World Cup series relies on the same concept. Many humans share similarities with different breeds of canines, making such comparisons fun, creative and clever. In this case, dogs are associated with identifying traits of the specific cultures participating in the 2014 World Cup.

Created by Life on White, a studio that specializes on photographing animals on white background, the Dogs of the World Cup series is a natural fit. From putting an Australian Kelpie in an Aussie uniform to a Swiss White Shepherd in a Switzerland shirt, the photomontages are entertaining and viral-worthy.
Trend Themes
1. Canine-related Photo Campaigns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore creative ways to showcase the similarities between dogs and their owners through photo campaigns.
2. Cultural Representation in Animal Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use animal photography to represent different cultures and countries, creating engaging content that resonates with diverse audiences.
3. Viral Animal Content - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Tap into the popularity of viral animal content by creating entertaining and shareable content featuring animals in unexpected situations or settings.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate animals into advertising campaigns to create unique and memorable experiences for consumers.
2. Photography and Videography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new techniques and concepts in animal photography to create visually striking and emotionally impactful images.
3. Social Media and Content Creation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop engaging animal-focused content for social media platforms, leveraging the power of viral animal content to grow audiences and drive brand awareness.

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