Ever since the invention of computerized coding languages, artificial intelligence has been making its way into more and more aspects of daily life, and the 'Do you speak human?' project is geared toward investigating how people feel about this technological intrusion. Administered by SPACE10 in collaboration with IKEA, the project consists of a questionnaire that aims to collect information from as many people as possible about important questions relating to AI.
'Do you speak human?' takes it as a given that AI will soon be inextricably linked to the way modern people lead their lives (think along the lines of the movie 'Her.') Rather than running headlong into that future, though, the project hopes to gain an idea of what people want to see from that AI. It asks questions like "What gender should your AI be?", "Should your AI reflect your values and worldviews?", and "Should your AI be able to detect and react to emotions?"
Exploratory AI Surveys
IKEA's 'Do you speak human?' Questionnaire Asks About AI
Trend Themes
1. Exploratory AI Surveys - There is a growing trend of conducting surveys and questionnaires to explore people's perspectives on AI.
2. Human-centric AI Design - The focus on designing AI systems that align with human values and preferences is an emerging trend in the industry.
3. Ethics in AI Development - Increasing attention is being given to ethical considerations and societal impacts during the development of AI technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Market Research - Market research firms can leverage the trend of exploratory AI surveys to gain insights into public opinion about AI technology.
2. AI Development - The AI development industry can capitalize on the trend of human-centric AI design to create AI systems that prioritize user preferences and values.
3. Ethics Consultancy - There is an opportunity for ethics consultancy firms to provide guidance and support to AI developers in navigating ethical considerations and societal impacts.