Powerful Safe Driving PSAs

Honda Introduces This Distracted Driving PSA Without a Crash

Honda’s distracted driving PSA plays on a conversation we have all had to some degree. It should come as no surprise that we all have the tendency to check our phones when they go off regardless of where we are. Honda has created this PSA for Distracted Driving Month. Personally, I think it has a better reach since it doesn’t show an actual crash.

The ad starts off with a typical conversation people have when leaving their houses to meet up with friends of family. The PSA delivers the distracted driving message just with sound effects. Honda is launching a #thumbsup Twitter campaign to get the message across, especially to the millennial audience. 

Honda has also launched a campaign which includes two Spanish-language ads, all in support of the Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
Trend Themes
1. Distracted Driving Awareness Month - Opportunities for creating PSAs that focus on the dangers of distracted driving without showing crashes, targeting younger audiences with social media campaigns.
2. Multilingual Psas - Opportunities for companies to create PSAs in languages other than English to reach a wider audience on important topics, such as distracted driving.
3. Sound-only Psas - Opportunities to create PSAs for radio or audio platforms that rely solely on sound effects to communicate important messages about safety and health.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Opportunities for car manufacturers to partner with government organizations or nonprofits to create powerful PSAs that raise awareness about driving safety and reduce distracted driving.
2. Advertising - Opportunities for advertising agencies to create compelling and impactful PSAs that resonate with younger audiences and utilize social media to spread the message.
3. Public Safety - Opportunities for public safety organizations to partner with technology companies to develop innovative ways to address the problem of distracted driving and promote awareness campaigns.

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