Contagious Stupidity Ads

The Diesel FW10 Campaign Features 22 New "Stupid" Scenarios

With their debut 'Be Stupid' advertising stunt a huge -- though controversial -- success, the Diesel FW10 campaign has rolled out 22 new prints featuring 22 new stupid situations. It's all for fun and, let's admit it, we've seen stupider things that unfortunately never inspired a smirk or a full out laugh.

After all, who wouldn't want to see stunning models acting silly? See more images from the Diesel FW10 campaign above.
Trend Themes
1. Print Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore unconventional and humorous advertising approaches to capture consumer attention.
2. Controversial Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Push boundaries and challenge societal norms to create engaging and thought-provoking campaigns.
3. Silly Branding - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Embrace silliness and lightheartedness to build a unique and memorable brand identity.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Inject humor and playfulness into fashion campaigns to differentiate from competitors and resonate with customers.
2. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with unconventional and controversial advertising tactics to create buzz and engage target audiences.
3. Modeling - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Break traditional modeling norms by showcasing models in humorous and unconventional scenarios to capture attention and increase brand awareness.

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