Sense-Enhancing Exhibits

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Dialogue Social Enterprise Employs the Disabled to Lead Presentations

Dialogue Social Enterprise employs disabled individuals as guides in specially tailored exhibits to demonstrate that although they may be impaired in one way or another, they are still capable of employment.

Each exhibit is guided by an individual whose particular impairment is advantageous to them. For example, one of the three exhibits, Dialogue in the Dark, is led by someone who is visually impaired, requiring the visitors to follow the lead of someone whose sight is weaker than their own. By doing so, guests are also forced to experience the exhibit through their other senses, which are consequently heightened due to their temporary sight impairment. Other exhibits include Dialogue with Time and Dialogue with Silence.

Contact Information
Dialogue Social Enterprise website
Dialogue Social Enterprise Facebook
Dialogue Social Enterprise Twitter
Dialogue Social Enterprise YouTube
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Exhibits - Develop exhibits that are led by individuals who are typically excluded due to their impairments to create an inclusive experience for visitors.
2. Sensory Enhancement - Create exhibits that heighten visitors' senses through temporary impairments to their primary senses.
3. Empowering the Disabled Workforce - Hire individuals with disabilities for roles that are tailored to their strengths and abilities.
Industry Implications
1. Museum - Museums can create exhibits that are inclusive and welcoming to visitors with disabilities, or hire disabled individuals for roles as guides or curators.
2. Tourism - Tourist attractions and destinations can provide inclusive experiences for visitors with disabilities through exhibits or tours led by individuals with disabilities.
3. Employment & HR - Companies can hire individuals with disabilities and tailor their roles to their strengths and abilities, creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

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