Creative Collaboration Apps

Adonit's Forge Design App is Optimized for Visual Thinking in Groups

Adonit's Forge is a design app for iPads that is optimized for visual brainstorming, especially in groups.

Whether you're drawing with a stylus or a finger, the app provides tons of options to get your creativity flowing freely. After a digital drawing is created, the app provides a handy place for collections of drawings to be set out and viewed as a whole or arranged into piles. Rather than having a drawing that will be stuck on a tablet, the app also provides a way for users to export drawings to Dropbox for further refinement. This is a great way for a group of two or more people to create, organize and view drawings from their own personal devices, as well as collaborate on the fly as needed.
Trend Themes
1. Visual Brainstorming - Opportunity for apps that optimize visual brainstorming experiences for individuals and groups.
2. Creative Collaboration - Opportunity for apps that enable seamless collaboration on creative projects across personal devices.
3. Digital Drawing Export - Opportunity for apps that facilitate easy export of digital drawings for further refinement and sharing.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Design Tools - Opportunity for companies to develop and improve design apps that cater to visual brainstorming and collaboration needs.
2. Productivity Software - Opportunity for developers to create productivity apps that enhance creative collaboration and streamline workflow.
3. Cloud Storage Solutions - Opportunity for cloud storage providers to integrate with creative collaboration apps, enabling seamless export and sharing of digital drawings.

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