The Dean Street Express is a clinic located in London's Soho District. Instead of building another cold and sterile waiting room and doctor's office, Penson went with a hip theme to make the clinic look more like a vibrant night spot than what it actually is.
Moreover, the space is set up so that almost everything is automated. Patients can come in and check in with the iPads that are set up. They can even submit samples for testing by simply walking into one of the rooms and using the multiple tubes etc. available. When complete, a vacuum-like system takes the samples and automatically brings them to the lab.
Not only is the Dean Street Express efficient, but it embodies the aesthetics of the Soho area to make patients feel comfortable. Photo Credits: designboom
Vibrant Medical Clinics
The Dean Street Express by Penson in London Rethinks the Walk-in History
Trend Themes
1. Automated Clinics - There is an opportunity for clinics to adopt automation technology to improve efficiency and streamline patient experiences.
2. Hip-themed Healthcare - Introducing a vibrant and trendy aesthetic to healthcare spaces can create a more comfortable and appealing environment for patients.
3. Self-service Medical - Implementing self-service technologies like iPads and automated sample collection can enhance convenience and reduce wait times in medical settings.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can explore the integration of automation and modern aesthetics to revolutionize the patient experience.
2. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can consider applying the concept of creating a hip and inviting atmosphere to healthcare spaces such as clinics or medical centers.
3. Technology - The technology industry has the opportunity to develop innovative solutions for self-service healthcare systems, such as advanced sample collection and automation systems.