DABURA has constructed the Sankakudzukushi in Japan, using a triangle pattern on the facade to make it stand out.
The triangles used are actually a reflection of how the firm was forced to construct the building in a certain way. With only three sides to work with, the firm decided on the triangle shape, so added this theme into not just the overall look, but decided to add it to the patterning of the sides too. When the structure is lit up at night, these shapes stand out even more, illuminated from the inside out. During the day, the Sankakudzukushi building is actually quite dark on the outside, featuring a matte black hue with the triangles only slightly visible. During the evening the entire look becomes much more stunning to see. Photo Credits: designboom,
Patterned Triangle Architecture
DABURA Builds the Sankakudzukushi in Japan
Trend Themes
1. Triangle Pattern - There is an opportunity for businesses to explore the use of triangle patterns in their architecture to create a visually striking and unique aesthetic.
2. Night Illumination - Businesses can capitalize on the trend of illuminating architectural structures at night to create a captivating and memorable experience for viewers.
3. Dark Matte Exterior - There is a disruptive innovation opportunity for industries to experiment with dark matte exterior finishes in their building designs to create a sleek and modern look.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architecture firms can embrace the trend of incorporating triangle patterns in their designs to offer clients unique and visually appealing structures.
2. Lighting - The lighting industry can explore innovative lighting solutions to enhance the night illumination trend and provide businesses with impactful lighting options for their buildings.
3. Construction Materials - The construction materials industry can develop new dark matte finishes and materials that offer durability and aesthetic appeal for building exteriors.