Suspended Bed Billboards

Crowne Plaza Publicity Stunt

What better way to show people that the ANA Crowne Plaza hotel's beds provide you with a good night sleep than by suspending a whole bed on the side of a tall building and then getting someone to sleep on the vertical bed/billboard? Yeah, maybe not the first idea to come to my mind, but it surely grabbed people's attention!

As part of their “Good Night, Good Tomorrow” campaign, the hotel hung a bed vertically on the side of the Sony Building wall in Ginza, Tokyo. A professional window cleaner then took part of the publicity stunt by suspending herself from the top of the building and staying inside the bed for a while.

Aya Nakamura said, “I was yawning and I actually almost fell asleep because it's such beautiful weather. It's so warm and it feels so good.”
Trend Themes
1. Vertical Bed Marketing - The trend of using suspended beds as billboards to market hotels and provide a unique experience for potential customers is an opportunity for companies to showcase their product in a creative way.
2. Good Night, Good Tomorrow Campaigns - The trend of promoting a hotel's commitment to providing guests with a good night's sleep is an opportunity for companies to differentiate themselves in the industry.
3. Publicity Stunts for Brand Awareness - The trend of using eye-catching and unconventional methods to generate brand awareness and media buzz is an opportunity for companies to increase their exposure and reach new audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can embrace the trend of vertically suspending beds to promote their hotels and attract new guests while also emphasizing their focus on providing a restful night's sleep.
2. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can benefit from the trend of using creative publicity stunts to generate brand awareness and build buzz for their clients.
3. Construction and Engineering - The construction and engineering industry can play a role in designing and constructing structures that can accommodate the trend of suspended bed billboards for marketing purposes.

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