Socially-Conscious Crowd Funding Sites

Crowdrise Allows Users to Donate Funds For Those in Need

The concept of crowd funding is a relatively new concept that allows investors to give money to startups primarily on the Internet and Crowdrise is a variation on this concept except the money invested goes towards relief fundraisers for those in need.

The various mediums we use to get news from around the world expose us to some very serious issues, but lacks the ability to get us involved. Crowdrise encourages more social cohesion and opens up the philanthropic array of options to an international audience.

Users can give to those they like most, start their own or provide funds to one they've heard about through a celebrity. The act of starting your own fundraiser on Crowdrise is an innovative approach to philanthropy. A favorite has to be the wedding registry option, which allows couples to choose their favorite charities to receive money from guests.
Trend Themes
1. Socially-conscious Crowd Funding - By combining the concepts of crowd funding and social impact, there is an opportunity to create platforms that enable users to invest in socially-conscious startups and projects.
2. International Philanthropy - As platforms like Crowdrise tap into an international audience, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity to create new ways for individuals to contribute to global relief fundraisers and support causes around the world.
3. Personalized Fundraising - The option to start personalized fundraisers on platforms like Crowdrise presents an opportunity to disrupt traditional philanthropy by allowing individuals to raise funds for causes that are important to them.
Industry Implications
1. Crowd Funding - Crowdfund platforms can explore integrating social impact elements to attract socially-conscious investors and expand their user base.
2. Philanthropy - The philanthropy industry can leverage online crowdfunding platforms like Crowdrise to reach a wider audience and raise funds for various charitable initiatives.
3. Event Planning - In the event planning industry, there is an opportunity to incorporate personalized fundraising options, such as wedding registry donations, to provide couples with more meaningful ways to support charitable causes.

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