Roughened Palm Ads

The Craftsman Sand Paper Campaign Ensures a Manly Handshake

First impressions are everything and they often start with a simple handshake; the Craftsman Sand Paper campaign encourages men to step up their game by roughing up their delicate palms in preparation.Taking a different approach to advertising handyman tools, this ad campaign shows that these products can serve additional purposes other than the obvious ones.

Conceived and created by Chicago-based ad agency Young and Rubicam, the Craftsman Sand Paper campaign urges men to "rub here to ensure a manly handshake." Doing so could help impress a girlfriend's dad and even close an important business deal. Art directed by Gabo Curielcha and copy written by Chris Jansma, the ad campaign relies on bold typography and a grainy backdrop to get the message across.
Trend Themes
1. Handshake Prep - Craftsman Sand Paper campaign encouraging men to rough up their palms for a manly handshake presents opportunities for developing and marketing other products that improve physical attributes for first impressions.
2. Non-traditional Advertising - The success of Craftsman Sand Paper campaign demonstrates the potential for non-traditional advertising to appeal to new customers and markets in the handyman industry.
3. Multi-functionality Products - Craftsman Sand Paper campaign showcasing how handyman tools can serve additional purposes beyond their original design presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for companies in the industry to expand their offering.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The success of Craftsman Sand Paper campaign shows the potential for creative and unconventional advertising campaigns in the handyman tools industry to effectively reach new customers.
2. Handyman Tools - The Craftsman Sand Paper campaign raises awareness about the additional applications of handyman tools beyond their traditional use and presents a disruptive innovation opportunity to companies in the industry for expanding their offerings.
3. Personal Care - Craftsman Sand Paper campaign promoting rough palms as a symbol for a manly handshake presents an opportunity for personal care companies to develop and market products to specifically improve physical attributes for first impressions.

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