Communal Crustacean Dispensers

This Crab Vending Machine Sells Live Shanghai Hairy Crabs

Imagine you’re preparing a fantastic meal, but lo and behold, you’ve forgotten the main ingredient: crab. Now you can rush to the nearest crab vending machine if stores are closed. Unfortunately for most, the nearest machine is in China.

Selling live Shanghai hairy crabs, the crab vending machine is no joke. By setting the temperature at 5 degrees Celsius, the crabs go into a state of hibernation. Once put back into room temperature, they're alive and kicking, which means fresh crab meat. If for some reason you get one that is dead, the creator promises to give three live ones in its stead.
Trend Themes
1. Live Vending Machines - Opportunity to create vending machines that dispense live animals or other perishable goods.
2. Automated Food Stores - Opportunity to develop automated stores that offer a wide range of fresh and gourmet food items.
3. Intelligent Temperature Management - Innovative temperature management systems that preserve the freshness of perishable items for extended periods.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - Opportunity to introduce vending machines and automated stores that sell fresh and perishable food items.
2. Technology Industry - Opportunity to develop innovative temperature management systems for preserving the freshness of perishable and live products.
3. Retail Industry - Opportunity to add novel products and technologies to retail stores and vending machines that offer consumers access to fresh and premium quality products.

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