Wooden Textural Furniture Series

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Hanneke Lourens Designs the Corrugated Furniture Capsule

Hanneke Lourens designed the Corrugated furniture capsule -- this marks her first capsule and it is comprised of five playful pieces. All of these are inspired by the metal sheets that are often used for urban landscapes seen in South Africa, which is where the California-based designer was born. The pieces are made from white oak and are meant for daily use, turning the construction materials into functional objects. The wavy design details the Side Table, Bench, Coffee Table, Console Table, Lounge Chair, and Bench.

Lourens explains, "This collection really is a love letter to South Africa, a place where shimmering corrugated metal sheets catch your eye almost everywhere you look. There is an inexplicable quality that makes Africa so special – it’s a place that delicately perches somewhere between beauty and chaos. Growing up in this land of contrast, my aim has always been to capture this sense of duality in my work. It is human nature to take comfort in what feels conventional, so I keep pushing towards uncommon beauty, invigorated by the discomfort it might create."
Trend Themes
1. Textural Everyday Furniture - Introducing textural elements in everyday furniture pieces transforms utilitarian objects into artistic statements.
2. Material-inspired Designs - Leveraging materials traditionally used in construction for aesthetically pleasing home decor melds practicality with creativity.
3. Sentimental Design Aesthetics - Designing furniture collections that pay homage to a designer’s roots fosters emotional connection and unique storytelling in home decor.
Industry Implications
1. Home Furnishings - The home furnishings industry can explore the use of unconventional materials to create visually dynamic and multifunctional pieces.
2. Interior Design - Interior design professionals can innovate by integrating culturally inspired furnishings that tell a story through their design.
3. Sustainable Living - The sustainable living sector can benefit from developing products that repurpose traditional materials into environmentally friendly designs.

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