Refreshing Iced Lime Beverages

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Cool Lime Refreshers are Back in Three New Ways at Starbucks Canada

If you're looking for something refreshing to get you through these final hot summer weeks, Starbucks Canada has you covered with its Cool Lime Refreshers.

The Cool Lime Refresher is actually a returning Starbucks drink from 2012 that provides a natural energy boost from green coffee and the zing of lime juice. However, this summer, there are three new ways to enjoy the Cool Lime Refreshers. The first is the new Cool Lime Lemonade Refresher, which combines lime and mint flavors with a slice of lime, all shaken with ice and lemonade. Next up is the Lime Coconut Drink, which pairs coconut beverage, lime flavor, and a slice of fresh line with ice. Finally, there's the Spicy Lime Drink, which features lime flavor, lemonade, and a spicy chili powder blend all shaken with ice. Of course, you can also just enjoy the classic Cool Lime Refreshers Beverage, which boasts the signature combo of lime flavor and a slice of lime, all shaken with ice.
Trend Themes
1. Flavor Innovation - Starbucks Canada’s introduction of diverse lime-flavored beverages highlights a trend towards innovative and experimental flavor combinations.
2. Natural Energy Drinks - The use of green coffee for a natural energy boost in Starbucks’ Cool Lime Refreshers exemplifies the rising demand for healthier alternatives to traditional energy drinks.
3. Spicy Beverage Options - The inclusion of a spicy chili powder blend in the Spicy Lime Drink indicates a growing consumer interest in bold and adventurous drink choices.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The re-launch and diversification of Starbucks’ Cool Lime Refreshers signify innovative growth within the beverage sector, particularly in flavored and functional beverages.
2. Health and Wellness - Incorporating natural energy sources like green coffee in beverages aligns with the health and wellness industry’s shift towards natural and health-conscious products.
3. Food Service Industry - Restaurants and cafes catering to evolving taste preferences with new and unique flavors are at the forefront of innovation within the food service industry.

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