Beacon Technology Services

Conichiwa Provides On-Demand Services for Many Different Industries

Hotel industry app spinoff Conichiwa is offering on-demand beacon technology or "proximity solutions" for a wide variety of industries beyond hospitality. The German company is providing aerospace, airline, banking and financial institutions as well as retail brand clients on-demand technology to heighten the customer experience. They mix hi-tech with design thinking in order to partner with clients "along the whole product life-cycle, from ideation to rollout."

An expansion of Conichi, Conichiwa partnered with Deutsche Bank to help customers interact with physical branches seamlessly. The app offers appointments, location-based payments and personalized banking services. Aviation applications include enabling passengers to order on-demand inflight entertainment like audio, games and video.

This demonstrates how beacon technology is going beyond marketing and retail to benefit a wide variety of fields and customer experiences.
Trend Themes
1. Beacon Technology Expansion - Beacon technology is being applied in various industries beyond hospitality to enhance customer experiences.
2. On-demand Services - The rise of on-demand beacon technology is transforming industries such as aerospace, airlines, banking, and retail.
3. Customer Experience Enhancement - Beacon technology is being used to personalize customer experiences and provide seamless interactions in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Aerospace - Beacon technology is being implemented in the aerospace industry to provide on-demand inflight entertainment and enhance passenger experience.
2. Airlines - Airlines are using on-demand beacon technology to improve services by allowing passengers to order inflight entertainment.
3. Banking and Financial Institutions - Beacon technology is being adopted by banking and financial institutions to offer personalized and location-based banking services

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