Sculptural Geometric Rugs

Elisa Strozyk's Colored Wooden Rugs Adopt Unusual Shapes

Since they're typically designed to lay completely flat, it's not often that you think of a rug as sculptural—but designer Elisa Strozyk's Colored Wooden Rugs have a lot of dimension.

Because the rugs are made from many flexible wooden pieces, it's possible to crumple the rugs into a shape that can support itself or arrange them to lay completely flat on the floor. In addition to including plenty of interesting shapes, the rugs also are infused with plenty of bright colors and patterns, making it possible to configure them in an endless amount of ways for display purposes. Blending function and form, these rugs are pieces of home decor that mix being highly artful with practicality.
Trend Themes
1. Sculptural Rugs - Innovative use of materials and designs are creating sculptural rugs that offer both form and function.
2. Flexible Furniture - Designers are experimenting with flexible materials to create furniture that can adapt to different shapes and spaces.
3. Multifunctional Home Decor - Creating home decor that can serve multiple purposes and be easily transformed is the latest trend in interior design.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The latest trend in sculptural rugs and flexible furniture will require designers to innovate and integrate technology to continue advancing the industry.
2. Home Goods Manufacturing - Manufacturers will need to invest in new production methods and machinery to keep up with the demand for multifunctional and sculptural home decor.
3. Architecture - Flexible furniture and sculptural rugs offer architects the opportunity to create unique and adaptable design solutions for their clients.

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