Cafe-Inspired Offices

Ezzo Design Caught On to the Convenient Idea of Coffee House Offices

If you need a cup of java to start your day at the office, there's no better way to get that experience than with coffee house offices. Ezzo Design has caught on to the brilliant and convenient idea of combining the two. The company captured the essence of city central coffee shops in its '[e-spres-oh]' office. Located in Timisoara, Romania, this office space is a shelter of relaxation, inspiration and work.

The office features a variety of vintage and industrial elements and each floor is customized to specific needs of potential employees. The atmosphere is relaxing and designed with wooden features reminiscent of a lakeside cottage or camp cabin. A cafe, office, lounge and even a nap room are included in this fantastic project that will get any writer, sales representative or information technologist excited.

'[e-spres-oh]' is functional and elegant yet casual and convenient. It has everything you need to tackle a busy work day.
Trend Themes
1. Coffee House Offices - Combining the atmosphere and convenience of coffee shops with office spaces to create a productive and inspiring work environment.
2. Vintage and Industrial Elements - Incorporating nostalgic and industrial design elements into office spaces to create a unique and appealing atmosphere.
3. Customized Office Spaces - Designing office spaces tailored to the specific needs and preferences of employees for optimal productivity and comfort.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Opportunity to create innovative office spaces that mimic the atmosphere of coffee houses and incorporate vintage and industrial elements.
2. Hospitality - Opportunity to expand services and offerings by incorporating coffee house office spaces into existing cafes or creating dedicated coffee house office spaces.
3. Technology - Opportunity to develop technology solutions and tools that enhance the coffee house office experience, such as productivity apps, remote collaboration tools, and smart office devices.

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