Coconut Mango Lattes

7-Eleven Has Added a Sweet and Creamy Coconut Mango Latte

A corner store might not be the first place one goes to have a gourmet coffee experience, but 7-Eleven hopes to change that thanks to a newly introduced Coconut Mango Latte, which will be available for a limited time throughout the summer.

The new caffeinated beverage is ideal for those looking to switch up their morning routine with something that's sure to offer a burst of energy. The flavor profile of the drink is described as featuring white chocolate in addition to the fruity infusion of mango and coconut, presenting the drinker with a tropical alternative.

According to the brand, the summer coconut coffee is well-loved by shoppers, making an even sweeter and creamier version seem like a natural addition.
Trend Themes
1. Gourmet Convenience - There is an opportunity for other convenience stores to introduce gourmet coffee drinks similar to 7-Eleven's Coconut Mango Latte.
2. Fruity Infusions - There is an opportunity for other coffee brands to explore fruity infusions as a unique flavor option for lattes and other coffee drinks.
3. Limited Time Offers - There is an opportunity for businesses to create buzz and attract customers with limited time offers, like 7-Eleven's summer Coconut Mango Latte.
Industry Implications
1. Convenience Stores - Convenience stores can incorporate gourmet coffee drinks to improve the quality of their drink selection and appeal to a wider customer base.
2. Coffee Brands - Coffee brands can experiment with fruity flavors for unique coffee drinks that can attract customers who prefer non-traditional flavors.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can help businesses create buzz for limited-time offers that can attract customers to try out new products or services.

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