Desert Diva Captures

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This Coco Rococo Series Showcases Haute Hairstyles

London-based fashion photographer Coco Rococo recently shot a series of photographs depicting models Ufuoma and Denise showcasing various hairstyles by Carlos from Pepi’s salon in London. Even though the series is intended to promote hairstyles, the clothing and photography is top notch as well.

Most of the outfits seem to be inspired by traditional west African clothing; that is, colorful, fractal patterns weaving themselves across lightly spun textiles. These bright, almost psychedelic styles contrast sharply with the dim twilight of the background. The setting seems to be a desert of some sort, as it is devoid of vegetation and full of sand. Further towards the background of the photographs are jagged mountains that help to accentuate the stark feel of series’s setting.
Trend Themes
1. Colorful Fractal Patterns - Creating fashion designs and artwork inspired by colorful, fractal patterns can disrupt traditional fashion industry norms and appeal to a vibrant, diverse consumer base.
2. Psychedelic Fashion - Exploring psychedelic-inspired fashion can lead to the development of bold and visually-striking clothing lines that resonate with the younger, trend-conscious demographic.
3. Desert-themed Photography - Incorporating desert-themed photography into fashion campaigns can provide a unique and captivating visual aesthetic, creating opportunities for collaboration between photographers and fashion brands.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Fashion designers can incorporate colorful fractal patterns and psychedelic influences into their collections, creating disruptive designs that stand out in the fashion industry.
2. Photography - Photographers can specialize in desert-themed photography, offering their services for fashion campaigns and creating visually stunning images that capture attention.
3. Beauty and Hair Salons - Hair and beauty salons can collaborate with photographers and fashion designers to showcase unique and vibrant hairstyles, tapping into the growing demand for bold and innovative looks.

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