Multiple Personality Shoots

Christian Bale Shows His Good & Bad Sides for GQ Magazine

Hollywood actor Christian Bale spoofs his infamous meltdown and recent lash out in the June 2009 issue of GQ magazine.

The featured shoot by Terry Richardson shows Christian Bale going from happy and playful to the crazy mad from picture to picture.

Christian Bale’s lash out at a worker on the set of the new ‘Terminator’ movie went viral on the Internet. Check out some remixes of that meltdown below.

Implications - As popular culture becomes more integrated into its viewers lives, consumers look for ways to get even closer. Designs that allow for a deeper connection between the customer and media depiction are appealing to those who find themselves identifying with a certain popular character. Companies could hone in on this desire for a closer relationship in order to appeal to more buyers.
Trend Themes
1. Character Identity - Consumers desire to identify with popular characters presents an opportunity for companies to create designs that allow for a closer connection.
2. Emotional Personalization - The trend towards emotional personalization can be tapped into by companies looking to create a deeper connection between the customer and media depiction.
3. Interactive Media - The integration of popular culture into the viewers' lives presents an opportunity for companies to create interactive media designs that allow for a closer relationship between the customer and the character.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry can incorporate popular culture characters to create interactive designs that form a deeper relationship between the customer and the character.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can create interactive media to allow consumers to engage with popular characters online and offline.
3. Marketing - Marketing companies can utilize the trend towards emotional personalization to create ad campaigns that create a stronger relationship between the consumer and the brand.

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