The Chip and Potato series tells the tale of two friends who meet on the first day of kindergarten. One is the adorable pug Chip, the other, her secret mouse friend, Potato. While Chip is shy and striving to be more independent, she finds a sense of security and confidence in her friendship with Potato.
The Chip and Potato show is perfect for children about to embark on their first day of school. The adventurous duo find themselves trying many firsts including the first time at swimming lessons, first sleepover jitters, and more.
Chip and Potato is a great show for audiences aged four or older and will keep younger generations enthralled with its quirky and fun plot.
Inspirational Kindergarten Series
Chip and Potato Follow a Loveable Pug and Mouse at a New School
Trend Themes
1. Friendship-focused Children's TV - Opportunity for TV networks to create more shows that emphasize and model positive friendships for young children
2. First-time Experiences as a Narrative Device - Potential for media producers to create content that centers around the idea of experiencing new things, especially for young audiences
3. Animals as Relatable Protagonists - Opportunity for children's media producers to use animals as main characters to create more relatable stories for young audiences
Industry Implications
1. Children's TV Networks - Networks have the opportunity to create more content similar to Chip and Potato that teaches young children important lessons
2. Children's Book Publishing - Opportunity for children's book publishers to create more stories with similar themes to Chip and Potato that teach children important values and lessons in an entertaining and accessible way
3. Education Technology for Young Children - Ed tech companies have the opportunity to create learning games and apps that focus on teaching and modeling positive behaviors and friendships