Killer Kid Ads

The Coaltion to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers Encourages Us to Get Proactive

Advertising Agency, Miami Ad School produced three ads for the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers. The ads target three countries: America, Germany and England and feature depictions of gun-wielding child soldiers beside nation-specific captions that emphasize the absurdity of child-protection measures in each country when juxtaposed against wartime imagery.

The public interest ads also feature the words, "tune in world" as a reminder of events and actions that take place outside our boarders and greatly impact children’s lives.
Trend Themes
1. Proactive Child Protection - This trend highlights the need for proactive measures in protecting children from involvement in armed conflicts.
2. Ethical Advertising - This trend showcases the rising demand for advertising that raises awareness about social issues and advocates for positive change.
3. Global Impact - This trend emphasizes the interconnectedness of the world and the need to address global issues that affect children's lives.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can seize the opportunity to create impactful campaigns that raise awareness about child soldiers and promote child protection.
2. Child Protection - The field of child protection can explore innovative strategies to prevent the recruitment and use of child soldiers in armed conflicts.
3. Non-profit/ngo - Non-profit organizations and NGOs can leverage this issue to advocate for effective policies and interventions to eliminate the use of child soldiers worldwide.

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