Talented French photographer Cerise Doucede's photography series 'Egarements' visually captures what being caught inside a daydream looks like. The series features images of a wide range of people living out their normal day-to-day lives as they happen to be caught for a moment inside a personal reverie. The result is a striking series of images that reveal the inner pleasures and desires of the mind.
To capture the dazed quality of a daydream, Doucede suspends various objects in the setting of each image that pertain to that individual's specific fantasy. For example, one image showcases an older gentleman working on designing a car. He is surrounded by suspended toy cars as he dreams about his ultimate dream car. The images vary in theme, depending on each person's personal daydream.
Dazed Daydream Photography
Photographer Cerise Doucede Captures People Caught in a Reverie
Trend Themes
1. Daydream Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop augmented reality experiences that allow viewers to step into the daydreams captured in the photography.
2. Visual Storytelling - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create interactive platforms or apps that enable users to create their own visual stories inspired by their daydreams.
3. Immersive Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine virtual reality technology with photography to create immersive art experiences that transport viewers into the daydreams captured in the images.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new photography techniques or equipment that enhance the ability to capture the ethereal qualities of daydreams.
2. Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build interactive art installations that enable viewers to physically engage with and explore daydream-inspired artworks.
3. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative software or applications that use artificial intelligence to analyze and interpret daydreams based on visual cues.