Moisturizing Mineral Water Creams

The Cera Spa Cream Contains 56.9% Hot Spring Water

ENOUGH Cosmetics is introducing a brand-new Cera Spa Cream that's deeply moisturizing thanks to the use of 56.9% hot spring water and more than 5% of a Ceramic Complex. This complex is beneficial for blocking harmful substances and strengthening the skin barrier. Thanks to the fact that Belgium's hot spring water has a low sodium and mineral content, the formula is not irritating for skin that's young or sensitive, and the safe formula is backed by an EWG green grade.

With products like its collagen moisturizing foundation, the Korean cosmetics brand has grown a following in Russia due to its harsh climate and the way that its products smooth and protect the skin. As such, the brand is not only focused on Russia but also Japan, Hong Kong, Uzbekistan and Mongolia.
Trend Themes
1. Mineral Water Skincare - Opportunity for companies to create skincare products that use mineral-rich water in order to provide added benefits for consumers.
2. Ceramic Complex Formulas - Companies can innovate by incorporating Ceramic Complex into their skincare formulas to enhance beneficial properties such as blocking harmful substances and strengthening the skin barrier.
3. EWG Green Grade Products - Companies can develop and market products which receive a favorable rating from Environmental Working Group (EWG), leading to consumer confidence in the safety and environmental sustainability of the product.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care Products - Manufacturers who produce moisturizing skin care products can incorporate natural hot spring as a key ingredient to attract consumers who value natural sources.
2. Korean Cosmetics - Korean cosmetics brands can expand their market to areas with harsh climates and users with sensitive skin, such as Russia, by creating products that are safe, effective, and EWG green grade certified.
3. Natural Products - Manufacturers of natural beauty products can use EWG ratings to differentiate and promote their products as safe and environmentally friendly.

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