DIY Cement Candle Holders

Decorate Your Home with These Tetrapod-Shaped Cement Candle Holders

These cement candle holders were inspired by the tetrapod structures along South Korean sea shores. Blogger HobbyDesign walks us through this DIY with step-by-step pictorials that are easy to follow. The blog even provides a downloadable file to print and use as the tracing template.

The project is not exactly the easiest, as it involves cement and complex cutting and gluing of plastic art sheets. It may take more than one day to finish depending on how fast the cement dries. It will usually need to dry over night.

Basically what you do is make a plastic mold of the tetrapod, fill it with cement and plug it with a candle to dry overnight. Afterwards, you cut off the clear plastic coating and take out the candle.

The little tetrapods are cute, simple and modern -- perfect for a modern home.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Home Decor - There is an opportunity to create more DIY home decor projects that incorporate unique and unusual designs like these tetrapod-shaped cement candle holders.
2. Eco-friendly Design - There is an opportunity to create more eco-friendly designs, as using materials like cement instead of plastic can reduce waste and be more sustainable.
3. Customizable Home Decor - There is an opportunity to create more customizable home decor projects that allow individuals to create unique pieces tailored to their own preferences and styles.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - The home decor industry could incorporate more unique and eco-friendly designs, as well as customizable options for consumers who want to create one-of-a-kind pieces like these cement candle holders.
2. DIY Crafting - The DIY crafting industry has an opportunity to create step-by-step projects with detailed instructions and templates for consumers who want to create unique and modern home decor pieces like these tetrapod-shaped candle holders.
3. Sustainability - The sustainability industry could partner with home decor and DIY crafting industries to promote the use of more eco-friendly materials like cement to reduce waste and increase sustainability.

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