There have been a slew of talented artists to emerge recently who can distill incredible visuals out of chaotically smeared watercolors and Catherine Hennessey is one of them. The up-and-coming portrait painter renders beautiful European-style faces using paints that she seemingly brushes onto canvases without a second thought, only to result in perfect images that confuse casual viewers as to how mistakes weren’t made. When you couple that with her spectacular ability to articulate pained expressions on her subjects, you have a distinct brand of artwork that magnetically attracts audiences.
Many will no doubt be surprised to learn that Catherine Hennessey is only 17 years old. Her capabilities and incredible portfolio of work would draw awe even by veteran standards, let alone being a Canadian art student still learning her craft.
Somber Streaky Watercolor Portraits
Catherine Hennessey Renders Impressive Melancholy Faces
Trend Themes
1. Watercolor Portraits Trend - Catherine Hennessey's somber streaky watercolor portraits showcase the trend of artists creating stunning visuals with watercolor paints.
2. Young Talented Emerging Artists Trend - Catherine Hennessey's exemplary talent at just 17 years old, highlights the trend of young artists to watch out for.
3. Emotional Artwork Trend - Catherine Hennessey's ability to articulate pained expressions on her subjects highlights the trend of emotive and dynamic artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts Industry - The increasing popularity of watercolor portraits opens up a disruptive innovation opportunity within the fine arts industry.
2. Education Industry - The emergence of young and talented artists like Catherine Hennessey creates opportunities within the education industry to teach art and foster young talent.
3. Technology Industry - The trend of emotive and dynamic artwork could present opportunities for the technology industry to create immersive experiences through VR and AR technology.