Treat ID Tests

This Candy Bar Identification Quiz Offers Personality Insight

People love a good test if the subject matter is interesting, and what could be more tasty than this Candy Bar Identification Quiz? Whitney of Jezebel was inspired to make a sweet game of these delicious thumbnail photos that she came across on a blog called 'I'm Revolting.'

Though the original photo pictures 20 chocolate bar cross-sections, the results of this exam are counted from 1 to 16 based on every row but the very first. A point system is derived from the number of correct guesses of the bunch, and Ms. Jefferson had devised a scheme for raking your score. The lowest count suggests a preference for sex over chocolate, while a perfect tally on the Candy Bar Identification Quiz suggests the opposite.
Trend Themes
1. Candy Bar Identification - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a mobile app that gamifies candy bar identification quizzes to engage and entertain consumers.
2. Personality Insight Tests - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a personality test platform that uses various quizzes, such as candy bar identification, to provide users with unique insights about themselves.
3. Interactive Photo Games - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design an online platform that offers various interactive photo games to engage users and provide them with entertainment and challenges.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce new candy bar flavors and variations to capitalize on the popularity of candy bar identification quizzes.
2. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop cutting-edge image recognition technology that can accurately identify candy bars or other objects in photos.
3. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with content creators and game developers to produce interactive quizzes and games that can be enjoyed by various audiences.

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