Pickup Athletics Apps

Bvddy Makes it Easy to Organize Impromptu Sports and Athletics

Though Tinder is an app with a very specific purpose, the Tinder system (i.e. matching people through a simple interface) has been enduring and durable, and Bvddy is an app that uses that now-pervasive concept. Rather than matching people with romantic intentions, though, Bvddy puts people together so that they can participate in impromptu athletics.

While many cities have recreational leagues, the fees for those leagues can be prohibitive. And organizing enough of one's personal friends to play a structured game is also a nightmare of logistics. Bvddy is a Tinder-style connection system that matches people within the same city, letting them select areas and games based on their skill levels and interests.

Users create Bvddy accounts through their Facebook profiles and then fill in extra information about sports preferences, skill and physical attributes.
Trend Themes
1. Social Athletics Apps - The rise of apps like Bvddy demonstrates the growing trend of using social platforms to facilitate impromptu athletic activities.
2. Skill-based Matchmaking - Bvddy's use of skill levels and interests to match people showcases the trend of personalized and targeted matchmaking in various industries.
3. Integration of Social Media Profiles - Bvddy's integration with Facebook profiles highlights the trend of incorporating social media platforms into apps to enhance user experience and simplify registration processes.
Industry Implications
1. Sports and Recreation - The sports and recreation industry can leverage social athletics apps like Bvddy to attract more participants and simplify the organization of impromptu activities.
2. Online Matchmaking and Networking - The online matchmaking and networking industry can explore opportunities to apply skill-based matching algorithms in various contexts, beyond just romantic relationships.
3. Social Media Integration - The technology industry, specifically social media platforms, can explore partnerships and integrations with other apps to enhance user experiences and expand user bases.

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