Ex Exhibits

The Museum Of Broken Relationships Showcases Memorabilia From Old Romances

"It was 300 days too long. He gave me his cell phone so I couldn’t call him any more."

The concept of the Museum Of Broken Relationships ROCKS my world. It a website, and touring exhibition, which consists solely of donated objects that represent broken relationships.

For example, the description for the Under-knee Prosthesis artifact from Spring 1992 in Croatia read, "In a Zagreb hospital I met a beautiful, young and ambitious social worker from the Ministry of Defense. When she helped me to get certain materials, which I, as a war invalid needed for my under-knee prosthesis, love was born. The prosthesis endured longer than our love. It was made of sturdier material!"

The Museum Of Broken Relationships is also a public art project, which anyone can easily participate in by simply donating an object and sharing the story associated with it.
Trend Themes
1. Museum-exhibits-digitalization - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create virtual exhibits for museums to digitize their collections and reach a global audience.
2. Emotional-curations-storytelling - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop platforms that curate and share personal stories and artifacts, allowing individuals to connect and empathize with others.
3. Memory-monument-pop-up - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce pop-up memory monuments in different cities, showcasing objects and stories of broken relationships to facilitate healing and self-reflection.
Industry Implications
1. Art-galleries - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate interactive displays and multimedia installations to enhance the visitor experience and drive engagement.
2. Digital-museums - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize augmented reality technology to bring historical artifacts to life and create immersive learning experiences.
3. Therapy-services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop online platforms that offer therapy and counseling services focused on relationship healing and emotional well-being.

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