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Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Styling Crème Has the Original Formulation

The Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Styling Crème is being revived by the haircare brand to provide consumers with the same product originally launched by Frédéric Fekkai himself in 1995. The haircare product was reformulated by the brand in 2008 but wasn't well-received for diehard fans of the original, so the brand has teamed up with Ronald Uy, the chemist behind the original version, to make things right. The final product is reported to have the same formula as the original and will thus eliminate the need for fans to scour the web searching for the original product.

The Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Styling Crème is reported to have a formulation that is 99% the same as the original.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgia-driven Product Revivals - Brands are tapping into consumer nostalgia by reviving beloved discontinued products with their original formulations.
2. Chemist Collaborations - Collaborations with original product chemists are ensuring the authenticity and effectiveness of revived formulations.
3. Authentic Beauty Products - Consumers are increasingly demanding the return of classic beauty formulas that promise the same appeal as their original versions.
Industry Implications
1. Haircare - The haircare industry is witnessing a trend towards reintroducing classic products that cater to long-term brand loyalists.
2. Beauty and Personal Care - Reviving original beauty formulations aligns with consumer desires for nostalgic and trusted products.
3. Cosmetics - Cosmetic brands are revisiting popular past products to appeal to a market keen on authenticity and historic reliability.

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