Branded Tea-Themed Cookbooks

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The Brew, Bake, Sip & Savour Cookbook Has 60 Recipes

The Brew, Bake, Sip & Savour cookbook is a new offering from the Bird & Blend Tea Co. that will support avid tea drinkers in their bid to enjoy premium edibles with tea as the central focus. The cookbook is positioned as a first of its kind and includes 60 recipes that are all made with tea, which includes cake bakes, cocktails, milkshakes, savory dishes and much more. The cookbook is ideal for tea lovers and foodies alike, and also features sections for particular teas including green, black, rooibos, oolong, herbal, match and fruit to help chefs work with what they've got.

Founder and Author Krisi Smith spoke on the Brew, Bake, Sip & Savour cookbook saying, "As co-founder and chief tea mixologist at Bird & Blend Tea, I am the visionary behind our incredible tea innovation and creative blends. I am always experimenting and creating new flavours and recipes with tea and wanted to showcase them in one place. Alongside suggestions from our customers and some of the Bird & Blend team, this book is the ultimate collection of all my favourites, so far,"
Trend Themes
1. Tea-infused Recipes - Exploration of various culinary possibilities with tea as a primary ingredient, merging traditional tea drinking with modern gastronomy.
2. Gourmet Tea Experiences - Elevating tea appreciation through curated recipes that blend premium tea varieties with upscale culinary techniques.
3. Experimental Tea Pairings - Innovative fusion of tea with diverse food and drink categories, pushing boundaries of flavor combinations.
Industry Implications
1. Specialty Tea Market - Expanding beyond traditional market into a niche that incorporates tea as a fundamental culinary element.
2. Cookbook Publishing - Introducing a novel segment within culinary literature focused on unique tea-based recipes.
3. Premium Beverages - The integration of tea beverages into gourmet recipes transforms how consumers perceive quality drink experiences.

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