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Brainiac Foods' Neuro+ Features a Nutrient Found in Breast Milk

After Brainiac Foods' Neuro+ was unveiled to the medical community at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the new line from the brain health and wellness company has made its way to the the baby food category at Target. Touted as "the most advanced brain nutrition in the baby food category," Neuro+ features Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM), a nutrient found in breast milk proven to support baby’s brain development and immune system.

"It is incredibly hard to get kids enough Omega 3 DHA, Choline and MFGM in their regular diets and as a result most kids do not get the amounts recommended by experts to support brain development," said Dr. Tanya Altmann, Founder and Pediatrician at Calabasas Pediatrics and Brainiac Advisory Board Member, "Brainiac is the first to bring efficacious amounts of these important nutrients in foods infants and toddlers love, at a price parents can afford."
Trend Themes
1. Advanced Brain Nutrition Baby Foods - The introduction of baby foods enriched with brain-boosting nutrients like MFGM signifies a shift towards more scientifically-backed infant nutrition products.
2. Functional Ingredients in Child Nutrition - Utilizing ingredients traditionally found in breast milk, such as Omega 3 DHA and Choline, in everyday child nutrition presents a novel approach to enhancing cognitive development from an early age.
3. Accessible Brain Health Supplements - Bringing efficacious amounts of brain-supporting nutrients into affordable and accessible formats addresses the growing demand for functional and preventative health products for children.
Industry Implications
1. Infant Nutritional Products - The baby food industry is being revolutionized by integration of advanced brain-boosting nutrients that traditionally fell outside mainstream offerings, providing significant growth opportunities.
2. Pediatric Health Supplements - The pediatric supplement sector is expanding rapidly with innovative formulations that incorporate vital nutrients to support early brain development and overall child well-being.
3. Functional Food and Beverage - The functional food industry is seeing a surge in products specifically designed to support cognitive health, representing a unique intersection of nutrition and neuroscience.

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