Affordable Premium Water Bundles

Boxed Water's 24-Pack Bundles Reduce Cost Significantly

Premium water brand Boxed Water is making its best-selling products available for less with bundles that reduce the cost per package with every large order. While the brand's 500 ml 6-pack is priced at $15, the brand's 12-pack unlocks a significant discount at $26. Lastly, the best deal from the brand is a 24-pack for $46, making each boxed bottle just under $2.

With many bottled water brands criticized for contributing to plastic pollution, consumer desires for more responsible alternatives continue to rise -- making Boxed Water a favorite among those seeking quality and sustainability. The brand is not only dedicated to a no plastic pledge but is known for eco initiatives like beach cleanups and for planting 1 million trees alongside the National Forest Foundation (NFF0.
Trend Themes
1. Affordable Bulk Water Orders - Brands can reduce cost per unit by offering discounted bundles.
2. Eco-conscious Water Brands - Brands can prioritize sustainability and eco-initiatives to appeal to more conscious consumers.
3. Responsibly-packaged Water - Brands can address concerns of plastic pollution by using alternative, recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Brands can explore offering eco-conscious, affordable and responsibly-packaged options for bottled water.
2. E-commerce Industry - E-commerce retailers can leverage the trend towards bulk orders by offering exclusive discounts.
3. Sustainability Industry - Sustainability consultants can work with brands to develop packaging strategies that prioritize eco-friendliness, affordability and convenience.

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