Savory Potato Breakfast Bowls

Bojangles' New Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl is a Hearty Morning Meal

In an effort to cater to the growing number of consumers turning to fast food restaurants for their first meal of the day, Bojangles' has debuted a hearty new option called the Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl. Unlike traditional early-morning fare, this dish combines several Southern classics for a robust take on breakfast.

The new Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl is a made-to-order dish available from Bojangles' breakfast menu. The dish itself consists of six crispy Bojangles' Bo-Tato Rounds topped with a folded egg, bacon and sausage crumbles, shredded Monterey Jack and cheddar cheese and a generous helping of sausage gravy. The bowl is also served with a scratch-made buttermilk biscuit on the side.

While it may be far more filling than the average breakfast sandwich, this hearty bowl is perfect for those who need something substantial to start their day.
Trend Themes
1. Fast Food Breakfast Options - Bojangles' Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl caters to the growing demand for substantial and convenient breakfast options in the fast food industry.
2. Combining Multiple Classic Dishes - The Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl showcases the trend of merging different food items into a single dish, providing a unique and satisfying breakfast experience.
3. Hearty Breakfast Alternatives - The introduction of the Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl highlights the trend of offering substantial and filling breakfast options as an alternative to traditional morning fare.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food Restaurants - The Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl presents an opportunity for fast food chains to innovate and offer more diverse and satisfying breakfast options to attract morning customers.
2. Casual Dining - Casual dining establishments can take inspiration from the Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl and create their own hearty breakfast bowls that combine familiar flavors in a new and exciting way.
3. Convenience Stores - Convenience store chains can tap into the demand for substantial breakfast options by introducing ready-to-eat breakfast bowls similar to the Bo-Tato Breakfast Bowl for customers on the go.

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