Artwork that Breathes

Body Paint Revisited Through 10 Women Used as Canvases

Trend Hunter has showcased the art of body paint on many occasions but the ancient art is so vibrant, so beautiful and so deliciously controversial, that many of us can’t seem to get enough of admiring the nude or semi-nude bodies transformed into living works of art.

I know nothing about body paint, but I can imagine that it takes a lot of skill and dedication on the part of the artisans to master such a delicate art form. I can also imagine that working with naked bodies must be a tad challenging too.
Trend Themes
1. Body Paint Art - Opportunity for disrupting the art industry with a new form of art that merges visual art with the human body.
2. Body Positivity - Opportunity for promoting body positivity through using diverse models of different shapes, sizes and ages in body paint art projects.
3. Sustainability - Opportunity for promoting sustainability in the beauty industry through the use of vegan and eco-friendly body paint products.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The body paint art trend creates a new art form that challenges the traditional art industry by merging visual art with the human body.
2. Fashion - Body paint art can disrupt the fashion industry by reinventing the concept of wearing clothes and introducing human bodies as a canvas for artistic expression.
3. Beauty - The body paint art trend can disrupt the beauty industry by introducing vegan and eco-friendly body paint products that promote sustainability and natural beauty.

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