Everyone’s favorite Star Wars bounty hunter has arrived to illuminate your room with this sweet DIY Boba Fett lamp.
As far as DIY projects go, the Boba Fett lamp is pretty simple and straight forward, thanks to an easy-to-follow set of of instructions from Instructables and Mark Bongo of Major League Mods. Bongo makes a recommendation of a toy Boba Fett helmet that’s easily available via eBay. After some rudimentary hollowing out of the helmet and some simple modifications on an existing lamp, you’ll be ready to illuminate your life with a Boba Fett lamp to call your own.
A word of advice -- don’t steal a lamp from your mother in law to make this project like Bongo did, you might get exiled to a galaxy far, far away for that indiscretion.
DIY Bounty Hunter Lamps
Illuminate Your Room Star Wars Style with This DIY Boba Fett Lamp
Trend Themes
1. 3D Printing - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the DIY market by leveraging 3D printing technology to create customized lamps.
2. Geek Culture - Disruptive opportunity to capitalize on the popularity of Star Wars and other geek-themed DIY projects to create unique and appealing products for fans.
3. Smart Home Lighting - Disruptive potential in the home lighting industry by integrating DIY projects with smart home technology, allowing users to control and customize their lamps.
Industry Implications
1. Craft and Hobby - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the craft and hobby industry by catering to DIY enthusiasts with unique lamp-making projects.
2. E-commerce - Disruptive potential in the e-commerce industry by offering DIY lamp kits and materials online, targeting the niche market of Star Wars and geek culture fans.
3. Interior Design - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the interior design industry by incorporating DIY lamps as a trendy and customizable lighting option for homeowners and decorators.