Functional Fruit Smoothies

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The Innocent Drinks Blueberry Focus Super Smoothie is Flavorful

The Innocent Drinks Blueberry Focus Super Smoothie is the brand's latest addition to its functional refreshment lineup that's crafted with taste and nutrition in mind. The smoothie is made with a blend of blueberries, strawberries, apples, rhubarb and spiraling with additional vitamins also added into the mix to give it a potent nutritional profile. The smoothie is arriving on the market in 300ml and 750ml serving sizes in the UK where shoppers can pick them up for £2.50 and £4.50, respectively.

The brand's nutritionist Louisa Handley spoke further on the Innocent Drinks Blueberry Focus Super Smoothie saying, "Along with being packed full of fruit and veg, innocent’s Super Smoothie range are high in added vitamins and contain extra ingredients such as flax seeds, spirulina, and guarana. Each Super Smoothie flavour provides a specific health benefit for drinkers, such as helping to support energy, immunity, and mental performance."
Trend Themes
1. Functional Beverages - Functional beverages like the Innocent Drinks Blueberry Focus Super Smoothie are gaining popularity for their ability to deliver specific health benefits beyond basic nutrition.
2. Vitamin-enhanced Drinks - Vitamin-enhanced drinks are setting themselves apart by incorporating additional nutrients that cater to the growing consumer demand for beverages that support overall well-being.
3. Nature-powered Ingredients - Products packed with natural ingredients, such as blueberries and spirulina, are emerging as preferred choices for health-conscious consumers seeking more holistic nutrition solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry continues to evolve with innovations like functional smoothies that offer targeted health benefits.
2. Beverage Industry - In the competitive beverage industry, the introduction of nutrient-dense smoothies presents a growing segment focused on health-centric drinks.
3. Functional Foods - Functional foods are redefining consumer consumption patterns by integrating ingredients that provide additional health benefits beyond traditional nutrition.

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