Musical Machine Learning Experiments

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Blob Opera Plays Four Opera Voices in Real-Time

Google Arts and Culture created a machine learning experiment with David Li called Blob Opera that explores the voice as a means of making music. The experiment invites people to create their own opera-inspired song and the best part is that it requires no musical skill of any kind. Blob Opera introduces four musical blobs (a bass, tenor, mezzo-soprano and soprano) with opera voices that can be controlled in real-time.

The machine learning experiment lets users make various adjustments to the pitch, vowel sounds and more by dragging the individual blobs in different directions. The playful experiment makes it possible to record songs, mute certain blobs and even add festive holiday hats to the singers.
Trend Themes
1. Musical Machine Learning - Disruptive innovation opportunities lie in creating AI-powered tools that enable anyone to create music without any musical skill.
2. Voice-controlled Music - Disruptive innovation opportunities can be found in developing voice-controlled music systems that allow users to manipulate various vocal parameters in real-time.
3. Interactive Music Experiences - Disruptive innovation opportunities exist in designing interactive music experiences that engage users in playful and creative ways.
Industry Implications
1. Artificial Intelligence - The artificial intelligence industry has opportunities to develop machine learning algorithms that can generate music based on user input.
2. Music Technology - The music technology industry can explore the development of voice-controlled instruments and software that make music creation accessible to everyone.
3. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can incorporate interactive music experiences into various forms of media, such as games, virtual reality experiences, and interactive installations.

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