Strong Potency Cannabis Pre-Rolls

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Canaca's Blend 14 is a Hybrid That is Indica-Dominant

The 'Blend 14' pre-rolls by Canaca will entice enthusiastic consumers with their very low CBD and medium THC potency. The strain is indica-dominant, with a rich profile of terpenes, including pinene which is found in rosemary, sage, and pines; myrcene which is present in mangos, lemongrass, and hops; and finally, trans-caryophyllene that resides in black pepper, cloves, and cinnamon. The flower in Canaca's 'Blend 14' pre-roll is grown in a greenhouse in Ontario, Canada.

The Blend 14 pack boasts three pre-rolls with 0.5 g. The company sells its product for $11.70 CAD by the gram.

Canaca has other indica-dominant strains, including 'Mango,' 'White Widow,' 'Alien Dawg,' and 'Blueberry,' but only the 'Blend 14' is sold through the Ontario Cannabis Store as a pre-roll pack.
Trend Themes
1. Low CBD, Medium THC Potency - Opportunity for cannabis companies to develop and market pre-rolls with specific CBD:THC ratios to cater to different consumer preferences.
2. Indica-dominant Strains - Potential for cannabis cultivators to focus on developing and hybridizing indica-dominant strains to meet the demand for relaxing and sedating experiences.
3. Terpene-rich Profiles - Innovative opportunity for companies to create cannabis products that highlight specific terpenes and their associated aromas and therapeutic properties.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Cultivation - Disruptive innovation potential in developing new cultivation methods and technology to efficiently produce and hybridize specific strains for pre-rolled products.
2. Cannabis Retail - Opportunity for retailers to curate and market pre-roll packs featuring different strain combinations, terpene profiles, and CBD:THC ratios to cater to diverse consumer preferences.
3. Cannabis Product Development - Innovative potential for creating unique cannabis products such as terpene-infused pre-rolls or specialized terpene concentrates for use in pre-roll production.

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